A people centric HR operating model

Build a future-ready people function. As organisations are working to align their business agenda and enhance the employee experience — placing people at the centre of everything you do.  Your HR function should embrace those same principles. Mercer’s approach to HR operating model design introduces our unique and innovative Target Interaction Model (TIM) to build the HR function around organisational and employee needs first – before translating this into the final HR organisation and roles.



of organisations offer a fully digital experience at work

1 in 3


在这种思维模式下,人力资源业务合作伙伴出现了三位一体, centres of excellence and shared services. 这种主要的方法简化和外包了人力资源服务, but it didn’t achieve the intended cost benefit expectations and it also fractured the employee experience. 当时它没有效果,现在它比以往任何时候都更过时.

In today’s work environment — and to be agile and ready to adapt to the future of work — organisations need to refocus their HR transformation on interactions — guided by a TIM before designing the HR operating model. 这种方法将员工放在人力资源部门的中心位置.

Successful HR functions engage employees

It’s time for HR to shape the future of work by providing relevant advice and services that directly align with and support your organisation’s business and people strategies. 正确的人力资源转型推动了组织战略和人员优先级, and it contributes to true business value. 我们的TIM方法赋予人力资源部门比以往任何时候都更大的责任, 提升职能,成为商业领袖的战略顾问.

With a TIM, 人力资源部门可以围绕员工体验进行转型,并演变为真正以人为本的职能. TIM places a premium on delivering relevant services and exceptional interactions that yield measurable employee satisfaction, engagement and commitment.

而美世的TIM则是基于一个基本的哲学和通用的设计原型, it is customised for every organisation based on its needs, culture, and people dependency.

任何以时间为导向的人力资源转型的关键组成部分都是数字化, a sometimes unappreciated but critical way to support the business and enhance the employee experience. People expect simple, user-friendly digital experiences at work, just as they do in their personal lives. Our TIM takes this into account and balances the digital and human experience to invest resources where they will count the most.

By emphasising the employee experience, building on end user’s needs (including the C-suite’s), HR’s future-ready design can benefit the entire organisation, 引进更好的工作方式,提高人才吸引力, retention, 参与——最终在组织中产生更大的信任和更高的生产力.

An exemplary Target Interaction Model

第一列是HR的客户,包括候选人, the external workforce, employees, people leaders, and top management. The second column describe the opportunities to introduce digital tools effectively and in an engaging way (e.g. people operations platforms as a self-service). In the third column, personal support comes into the equation. These include people operations, advisory and administration, leadership partners, and people strategy advisers. In the final column, we typically see two main categories: HR customer-facing communities for talent acquisition and talent development, 以及包括项目组合管理在内的企业服务社区, compensation and benefits, Diversity, equity and inclusion, and HR analytics.

Further, HR can organise itself with an agile HR pool to cover constant innovation by bringing in the right expertise.


The TIM - Target interaction model looks at four different parts of the Human Resources Information System (HRIS) platform starting with HR customers (candidates, external workforce, employees, people leader, and top management). Then it looks at the people operations platform to sort through employee experience and HR and beyond. Then it provides personal support through people operations, advisory and administration, leadership, and partner and people adviser. This becomes the agile talent pool that leads to functional experience whether that is HR customer-facing communities (talent acquisition and talent development) or enterprise-serving communities (project portfolio management, compensation and benefits, diversity, equity and inclusion, or HR analytics).

The TIM reimagines the HR function. 它根据员工的需求和愿望评估人力资源角色、流程和技术. It increases agility by reducing silos and pooling resources from across the function that can be tapped for a variety of projects. It establishes a clear, streamlined, 有效的路线图,以一种被证明能取悦员工的方式提供服务, 实现业务成果,并确保人力资源部门以重要的方式与员工互动.

After reorganising around a TIM, HR can free up about 30% of its administrative load, 让专业人士有更多时间以更高的角色为组织服务. 如今的人力资源领导者与高管们坐在同一桌, helping create a modern people strategy that supports both the workforce and the business — with HR in more digitally advanced organisations four times more likely to be seen as a significant contributor to strategic business planning. 人力资源业务合作伙伴不断发展——摆脱了不必要的行政职责, they are free to take on more meaningful work, 在战略顾问等有影响力的角色上有所作为, data-driven problem solver, influential storyteller, trusted coach and independent voice.

65%的高管认为,随着人力资源流程的自动化, they have lost valuable contact between HR and the business.
2023 Global Talent Trends

Client success story: Human-centric HR transformation at PVH

Client: PVH

A retail (fashion) organisation with $9.70亿美元的收入和3万名员工——在业务、地点和劳动力方面高度多样化.
  • Challenge:

    PVH was approaching Workday implementation, 它希望为其高度多样化的业务创建一个敏捷的人力资源模式, regions and workforce. 它有雄心勃勃的增长计划,打算在三年内至少增加40%的员工人数.

    企业对人力资源部门提供的服务的满意度给出了不同的评价, 尤其是缺乏对商业现实的了解. On the other side, 人力资源部门报告说,由于工作量和100多个正在进行的项目,他们“忙得不可开交”.

  • Solution:

    Upon consultation with Mercer, PVH decided to re-imagine HR as a customer-centric people function that supports the business as a strategic partner and serves their business by:

    • Developing a new HR strategy and service portfolio, 包括为人力资源客户设计的新角色和交互模型
    • 重新设计人才获取和管理等核心流程, improving on moments that matter along the employee lifecycle, 战略性地利用人力资源业务合作伙伴和数字系统

    Check feasibility of Workday integration on an ongoing basis, ensuring its aligned with the global template

  • Approach:


    • Embark: Align on a future vision and strategic priorities, establish a collaborative project foundation
    • Discover: Assess the current state, pain points and maturity in a rapid manner, focusing on the aspects relevant for a re-imagining
    • Shape: Design the future state with a TIM, 基于实际客户需求和用户旅程的未来角色描述和人力资源服务
    • 驱动:制定多维度和优先级的路线图,并开始实施变更
  • Results:

    PVH实施了一个完全转型的人力资源组织,包括一些新设立的角色. 他们不仅成功顺利地完成了Workday的实施, but they also achieved their ambitious growth plans with a strengthened Talent Acquisition function and state-of-the-art content and processes. They introduced agile ways of working, prioritising and managing projects with an agile project pool. Mercer is a sparring partner for them to this day, and we work together on various other engagements.

HR roles: Trending towards the employee experience

Using the Target Interaction Model to transform into a people-centric HR organisation is supported by trends in HR roles. 

  • HR strategic advisers provide insights to senior executives on how the workforce supports the business strategy.
  • Collaboration experts facilitate the flow of information, skills and capabilities between workforce populations, helping employees adapt to change.
  • 员工体验设计师创建直观的接触点和用户旅程, often for specific personas, such as new hires or business/function groups. 

  • 卓越中心的专家与最高管理层合作,设计全球人才理念.
    • 卓越中心的专家与最高管理层合作,设计全球人才理念.
  • Centre-of-competence experts execute HR processes, such as talent acquisition or mobility, in alignment with geographies or business lines.

  • HR business partners operate in a micro-environment to support the HR operational needs of a pivotal people leader.
  • HR shared service consultants handle exceptional cases and special requests that extend beyond digital and automated capabilities.


Mercer’s expertise in working with HR to build people-centric operating models is both deep and wide. 

Target Interaction Model (exemplary)

Transforming HR


Four dimensions of successful HR transformation 

Your organisation can transform the very nature, efficacy and perception of HR by rethinking the function and getting the design of four key dimensions right: strategy and content, processes, organisation and systems.

Shaping HR strategies for the future


HR Accelerator

In addition to using Mercer’s innovative Target Interaction Model to speed up and increase the effectiveness of your HR transformation, the HR Accelerator delivers:
  • HR vision and strategy roadmap

    Create a clear future vision to describe and execute your HR strategy that can transform your HR content, processes, organisation and technology.
  • 人力资源流程(重新)设计,自动化和彻底简化

    Create an exceptional employee experience around moments that matter by carefully examining employees’ expectations and interactions with HR and by streamlining and simplifying processes.

Ready to start your HR transformation journey?

Mercer’s digitally enabled advisory solution, the HR Accelerator, 可以帮助您更快、更有效地实现人力资源转型目标吗, improving efficiency up to 25% while reducing transactional volume — which frees up the function to reinvent HR for the future of work.

Mercer’s HR transformation framework

  • Embark

    • Lead with a point of view and hypothesis.
    • Agree on a vision of the future state.
  • Discover

    • 通过洞察和基准为转换提供基础.
    • Clearly articulate the change management journey.
  • Shape

    • 创建大胆的解决方案,并为未来状态愿景提供可衡量的结果.
  • Drive

    • Deliver sustainable value.
    • 将人力资源转型融入组织结构.
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